Wild Atlantique is excited about the 'March for the Ocean'! M4O

 Check out this website:   https://marchfortheocean.org/

'March for the Ocean is about the survival of our blue planet.  But it’s also about the fact that it’s not too late to turn the tide and restore and protect what we love.

This June 9 (2018) we will ‘Wear Blue for the Ocean’ and ‘March for our Ocean.’   We will say NO to offshore oil testing, leasing, drilling and spilling, NO to plastic and other forms of Ocean pollution and YES to protecting our coasts at risk. YES to a Healthy Ocean and Clean Water for All. 

 On Saturday, June 9, 2018, join the March for the Ocean in Washington D.C. or join one of many simultaneous marches, flotillas, and water celebrations across the country!' - marchfortheocean.org

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